Benoît Beroud - Sustainable mobility expert
Getting to know Benoît better

Benoît Beroud is a French expert in sustainable mobility. He assists public authorities and mobility operators to make territories more liveable, attractive and respectful.
He conducts studies and creates multimedia contents to invite car drivers to walk, pedal, travel by public transport and share their car.
French entrepreneur, Benoît is consultant, animator, speaker, trainer, designer, translator, service innovator and co-author around twenty publications in French, English and Spanish.
His expertise relies on:
He conducts studies and creates multimedia contents to invite car drivers to walk, pedal, travel by public transport and share their car.
French entrepreneur, Benoît is consultant, animator, speaker, trainer, designer, translator, service innovator and co-author around twenty publications in French, English and Spanish.
His expertise relies on:
- 2 master degrees in Transport Economy and International Marketing,
- 3 European certifications as mobility policy auditor: BYPAD, ISEMOA and ADVANCE,
- 18 years of experience and more than 140 missions on active mobility, way finding and modal choice.
His vision of consultancy and expertise
As an autonomous consultant, Benoît stimulates dialog, assists to take a step back and present choices. His intervention, punctual in the life of an organisation, invites to sensitize and trains the internal referent in charge of the effectiveness implementation of suggestions. Successful of its missions are based on:
- His ability to listen to the needs of the client and the user-experiences,
- His expert, external and refreshing point of view,
- Suggestions adapted to the local context.
His commitments
When Benoît gets involved in a mission, he commits to:
- Meet customer needs,
- Satisfy end users,
- Bring a very good idea.
His brand Mobiped
Mobiped is the commercial brand of its sustainable mobility consultancy activity. Created in 2010, the original logo is the work of the artiste Paul Duncombe. The 2022 declined version is refine and mindful to color blindness and dyslexia troubles.
Letters : Contraction of 'Biped Mobility', Mobiped is a reference to walking and bipedalism, the human natural mode of locomotion as a earth species. The double [bi] is a nod to the English initials of Benoît Beroud.
Colours : 2010 colours represented signalisation colour with red for stop and green for movement. But these coloured could not be differentiated with a green-red deficiency. Thus a 2022 monochrome version.
Forms : Rounds symbolise the wheel, omnipresent in mobility. From now, a subtility enables to differentiate better the b, p and d. The discontinuous marking symbolizing the sharing of public space and the arrow of movement disappear for a more streamlined and balanced logo. .
Letters : Contraction of 'Biped Mobility', Mobiped is a reference to walking and bipedalism, the human natural mode of locomotion as a earth species. The double [bi] is a nod to the English initials of Benoît Beroud.
Colours : 2010 colours represented signalisation colour with red for stop and green for movement. But these coloured could not be differentiated with a green-red deficiency. Thus a 2022 monochrome version.
Forms : Rounds symbolise the wheel, omnipresent in mobility. From now, a subtility enables to differentiate better the b, p and d. The discontinuous marking symbolizing the sharing of public space and the arrow of movement disappear for a more streamlined and balanced logo. .