Mobility management


To meet the challenges of sustainable development, mobility management aims to change the mobility practices of citizens, public authorities and employers. This applies to:
  • The modal shift from the individual car to intermodal and multimodal practices: demobility, walking, cycling, public transport, shared car and the solo car
  • the design of public policies, as the ADVANCE, BYPAD and ISEMOA continuous improvement approaches.
  • Deployment of Employees, Students, Residents, Consumers Mobility Plans.

If facilities and equipments are needed, they are not sufficient (in red). Mobility management therefore focuses on soft and less costly measures: regulation, services, infomobility and training (in green).


After graduating in 2006, Benoît worked on the modal choice for the Lyon Transport Economics Laboratory on MAX, the European project that defined mobility management. He has been an EPOMM trainer, the European platform for mobility management and a member of the European ALLINX network. As an entrepreneur, Benoît has innovated in the design of practical information and multimodal access plans disseminated by travel generators. This approach was recognized as international best practice in universal design in 2018.
The hexagon of mobility management (©Mobiped)
Hexagon divided into 6 with two hard measures (infrastructure and equipment) and four soft measures (regulations, services, information, training)
The modal shift
Pictogram with a solo car and an arrow towards walking, cycling, public transport and shared vehicles.
ISEMOA quality approach and the 5 essential components of any public policies of continuous improvement.
Diagram of a circle divided into 5 circular steps, with the description of each step