Improving Villo and international e-bikesharing Benchmark • 2016-2018

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Pictogramme cycling Pictogramme bike renting Pictogramme public bicycle Pictogramme pedelecs
# Study  #Opportunity study  #Feasibility study  #Planning  #Cycling policy 
#Actives modes
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#Français #Dutch


The Villo! public-bike service operated by the Brussels Capital Region (RBC) shows unsatisfactory usage figures. The RBC therefore questions the relevance of setting up or no public-pedelecs.

To identify areas for improvement for Villo! , TML Leuven and Mobiped:
  • Analyze the operation of the current service and the scope of the contract with the operator JC Decaux,
  • Achieve a global state of the art of public-pedelecs
  • Produce a benchmark of five European cities: Lyon, Milan, Madrid, Lille and Antwerpen,
  • Survey 300 Brussels residents on the bike, the Villos' and various pedelecs solutions,
  • Construct a detailed economic analysis of public money inversion with regard to the impacts on the modal shift, via 6 scenariis and 13 variants including for example long-term rental of pedelecs, portable JC Decaux batteries or electrified self-service bike stations.


Brussels-Capital Region


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Customer testimonial

I appreciated Benoît's proactivity to help us better understand the topic of e-bikesharing. Mobiped clearly answered our questions about whether or not to set up an e-bikesharing in our territory. And I was pleased to discover that a long-term rental system was more suitable in terms of public money invested and impact on the use of the car.
