Signs of the Lyon international Lights Festival • 2019-2020

Logo of City of Lyon Logo of Lyon Light festival 2019
Pictogramme walking Pictogramme cycling Pictogramme bicycle parking Pictogramme bike renting Pictogramme public bicycle Pictogramme scooter Pictogramme motorized two-wheelers Pictogramme bus Pictogramme coach Pictogramme metro Pictogramme tram Pictogramme train Pictogramme plane Pictogramme shared car Pictogramme carpooling Pictogramme car-sharing Pictogramme taxi Pictogramme vehicle for hire Pictogramme private car Pictogramme emergency vehicles Pictogramme teleworking
#Expertise  #Technical visit  # Study  #Opportunity study  #Feasibility study  #Dialogue  #Animation  #Communication  #Print  #Web  #Wayfinding  #Planning  #Walking policy  #Multimodal and Accessibility Policy 
#Accessibility #Actives modes #Road safety #Modal choice #Wayfinding > #Strategy #Signage #Infomobilities
Flag of France


The famous Lyon Light Festival welcomes millions of spectators every year in Lyon with entertainments throughout the city. The City of Lyon wanted a fresh look at signage. The project team structured the signage process to make it more accessible, coherent and readable. In addition, new perspectives have been considered through a“Multi-channel Multimodal Orientation” approach to improve visitor experience and organizers experience.


Logo of Divercities Logo of Agence Adequat Logo of Atelier Coup d'Eclat

Customer testimonial

Benoît Beroud of Mobiped has shown great professionalism. He was very attentive, very present, very invested and offered us innovative solutions.