Useful information - infomobilities
Dynamic access maps
User expererience
Editorial content
Access maps
Accessible pedestrian signage
Positioning signage
Multimodal Hub
Wayfind is much more than signage only
Mix of mobility, accessibility and marketing
From now on, mobility is a touristic experience
Synthesis capacity for accessible media
Some Benoît experiences
Benoît is self-trained in information design, drawing inspiration from guidelines of easy-to-acces information for people with cognitive, mental or psychic disabilities.He advised the Corsica Bonifacio Tourism Office and the international Lyon Lights Festival in their infomobilities strategy dissemination on print, web and signage media.
He fulfilled over 100 multimodal digital and print access maps.
He codesigned the pedestrian accessible signage around the multimodal hub of Lyon-Perrache.
He accompanied the City of Paris in the design renewal of tourist coaches webmap and way finding strategy.
Discover all his references