Accessible signage of an inclusive territory • 2020

Logo of The Greater Lyon Logo of Greater Lyon citizens comission on accessibility
Pictogramme walking Pictogramme wheelchair Pictogramme cycling
#Expertise  #Opinion  #Dialogue  #Training  #Consultation 
#Accessibility #Actives modes #Wayfinding > #Signage #Infomobilities
Flag of France


The D-side district in Décines-Charpieu is a future district in the east of the Lyon agglomeration that wishes to be exemplary in terms of accessibility. Benoît then leads a workshop so that the promoters of the project could question themself the good questions in order to realize a so-called accessible signage.

Customer testimonial

MOBIPED provided us with valuable assistance in creating and facilitating a workshop on inclusive wayfinding. All the participants praised the quality of the work carried out, which allowed them to gain a better understanding of this still too little-known subject. The great expertise of MOBIPED has saved us a lot of trial and error.