Come and move to Bonifacio (Corsica) • 2019-2020

Logo of Bonifacio Tourism Office (Corsica)
Pictogramme walking Pictogramme wheelchair Pictogramme cycling Pictogramme bicycle parking Pictogramme bike renting Pictogramme public bicycle Pictogramme pedelecs Pictogramme motorized two-wheelers Pictogramme coach Pictogramme boat Pictogramme plane Pictogramme shared car Pictogramme carpooling Pictogramme electric vehicle Pictogramme taxi Pictogramme private car
# Study  #Opportunity study  #Feasibility study  #Communication  #Print  #Web  #Wayfinding  #Planning  #Multimodal and Accessibility Policy 
#Modal choice #Data #Wayfinding > #Strategy #Access map #Signage #Infomobilities
Flag of France Flag of Italy


Mobiped supports the Bonifacio Tourism Office (Corsica) in its communication strategy to promote mobility solutions to come to Corsica and move to Bonifacio, and thus improve the tourist experience.

This resulted in:
  • Developing a multi-channel communication strategy,
  • A new website tree,
  • Editorial content proposals with practical infomobilities,
  • Creating pictograms and maps
  • Recommendations to improve the readability and practicality of the paper and web tourist map,
  • Recommendations for signage of physical reception points
    • .

Customer testimonial

Professionalism, availability, rigour, listening, analysis and advice on all our supports with a 360° vision to be operational! Mobiped helped us by providing us with a methodology, a practical toolkit with contents ready to be used quickly, a clear knowledge of the issues and applications around mobility. I discovered the importance of intermodality. Now I consider mobility as a tourism experience and map as a new tool.
