Expert review on free-floating bike sharing • 2018

Logo of CVTC - French network of friendly-cycling cities
Pictogramme cycling Pictogramme bike renting Pictogramme public bicycle
#Expertise  #Opinion 
#Actives modes
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Faced with the phenomenon of free-floating bicycles invading the streets of major French cities, the French friendly cycling cities network queries to Benoît Beroud to share his point of view during an internal meeting and trough an internal note.

Customer testimonial

The bike-sharing working group set up in early 2018 by the Cycling-friendly cities French network sought the opinion of Benoît Beroud, founder of Mobiped. He estimated the free-floating bicycle market to more than thirty operators around the world in the spring. According to the consultant, this very young competitive market had to undergo many evolutions: disappearance of actor, acquisition-fusion, collusion on certain cities, evolution of economic models. Of the facts found.